Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I think we should just stick to the dream you have and get to that dream don't change it if someone makes fun of you just persuade your dream.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Vocab 6

Meme-Picture passed from one individual to another.

Virus- a piece of code that is capable of copying itself and capable of destroying a system.

Viral-Circulating rapidly on the internet from one user to another .

Blog- A regularly updated website.

Wiki- A website or database developed collaboratly allowing any users to add or edit  a content.

URL- uniform resource location

Website- a location connected to the internet containing one or more web pages.

Www- World Wide Web is a network of online content that is formatted in HTML.

Internet- communication facilities consisting or interconnected networks.

2.0 -used to denote advanced version

Open source -software freely available and may be redistributed and modified.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Vocabulary 5

venomous - full of malice or spite.(She replied with a venomous glance.)
stolid - calm, dependable, and ahowing little emotion or animation. (The man was stolid at the park.)
hypnotized - capture the whole attention of someone; fascinate. (Hypnotized by the rain, Eric stated across the street.)
suspended - temporarily percent from continuing or being in force of effect. (Work on the dam was suspended.)
transformed - make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, transmute. (Lasers have transformed cardiac surgery.)
accuse - claim that someone has done something wrong. (He was accused of favoritism.)
anticipate - regard as probable; expect or predict. (She anticipated scorn on her return to the theater.)
fringe - decorate clothing or material with a fringe. (A rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet.)
melancholy - a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. (An air if melancholy surrounded him.)
earnestly - fervent, intent, purposeful, determined, industrious. (The boy was an earnest student.)
dissolve - close down or dismiss. (The country's president can dissolve parliament under certain circumstances.)
aggravate - make worse or more serious. (Military action would only aggravate the situation.)
illuminate - light up. (A flash of lightning illuminated the house.)
capillary - a tube that has an internal diameter or hairlike thinness.
proboscis - the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile, such as the trunk of an elephant it the snout if a tapir.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

First Impression

My First impression on the pedestrian is that the guy seems to be smart and up to something.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


                    Michael J.Kurgan
                     402 Street,West
                 Santa Maria,CA 93458

Monday, September 19, 2016

Vocabulary 4

intermittent-occurring at irregular intervals

A drunk driver might intermittent while driving on the road.

ebb-the movement of the tide out to the sea.

I try to see the ebb of the sea.

regress-to move backward, or the act of going back.

I regress when I play JV again.

tendency: a natural or prevailing diposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some point

Every person on earth has a different tendency from another.

antiseptic-exceptionally clean or neat.

Scientists study and learn antiseptic in order to be a great scientist.

Vocabulary 3

1. coherent - able to speak clearly and logically.
2.belabor - argue or elaborate in excessive manner.
3.eschew - deliberately avoiding using.
4.acquisitive - tending or seeking to acquire and own, after greedily.
5.emulate - to try to equal or excel.
6.banal - devoid of freshness or originality.
7.excoriation - the act of excoriating.
8.congeal - to change from a soft it fluid state to a rugid or solid state, as by cooking or freezing.
9.carping - characterized by fussy or petulant fault finding.
10.substantiate - to establish by proof or competent evidence.
11.temporize - to avoid making a decision .
12.largesse - generous bestowed of gifts.
13.tenable - capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute.
14.insatiable - not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased.
15.reconnaissance - the act if reconnoitering.
16.germane - closely or significantly related.
17.ramify - to divide into branches or branch like parts; extend into subdivisions.
18.intransigent - refusing to agree or compromise.
19.taciturn - inclined to silence; reserved in speech.

My Big Question

My Big Question is Does the Government tell us the truth? -in order to answer my question I will need some information and got to know some facts and need to know a bit bout government things.-

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Young Goodman Brown mood

Young Goodman Brown mood was serious it was a religious story well kinda religious it had to deal with God and devil and things like that.

Earth on Turtles Back Authors mood

      To me Earth on Turtles Back mood was inspiring and the short script just made you think about life.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

I got a B- on my essay I feel good about the grade because it could of been worse I do agree with my grade.I have learned new vocabulary and a better way to think about things.I also have learned a new way to learn then the old way. I feel like I deserve a A- cause I put in the work and most importantly I try.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Young Goodman brown

1: The point in writing the story is to give people to stay on the good path.

2: In my opinion faith does fit her personality because young Goodman brown only talked to her in the beginning of the story

3: The pink Ribbons signified god

4: Imagination

5: the old man was the devil

6: The snake is represented as evil as well

7: His life would of been completely different and he wouldn't know what he jus found out.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Vocabulary 2

          Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

          I have complete faith I'm my teacher to help me succeed.

                    Strip of wood;magnitude or intestesty that must be exceeded.

           He'll carry you over the threshold and pretend to fall to the floor.  

           Of,Like,covered with tar
            Not many small towns so I'll keep rolling and not tarry here.

                To settle and find a solution.

                 The whole family had to resolve the problem.

                Perceive or reconqnize something.

                 He sat on the floor with her, but could discern neither what was wrong nor how to help.

              Killing someone due to their beliefs.

              He was represented as a warrior performing superhuman feats as a ruler dispensing perfect justice  and even as a martyr suffering for the faith.

           Amusement,especially as expressed in laighter.

         His eyes twinkled with mirth, but he refused to let the rest of his face respond.

                      A series of fixed questions and or answers.
                                                                                    His principal work was Lectures on the Catechism.


            They were to be applied to pious uses.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hacker Response

I enjoyed this read cause it gave his opinion on things and kept it real.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Response to Richard Corry

My first impression on Richard Corry is how idiotic it was to put a bullett through his brain but also dedicated he was to do it.


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